Sunday 25 March 2012


A man falls to the ground, can't speak no sound,
Bound to the earth, heart palpatations out of sync.
Passersby flutter eyelids in directions to not see.
This soul on the floor, in a position to not plead.
Crass thoughts are perceived, their organs don't bleed
Compassion from most lacking, angels are a few.
Sparkle like a ray of light, diamonds have come too.
Through the fog, the shine so bright a lift in temperament does see. 
Their eyes sorrowful, carrying the burden of a world.
Made unfeeling, untouching ominously dead.
The angels beauty befalls the fallen, desire just to help,
Restoring faith in some of those not able to assist themselves.


Inspired by a programme I watched yesterday. It's crazy how much people just don't care about others and yet know that if it was them in situations being invisible at a time of need would be crushing and incomprehendable. 
Bless the truly well meaning, good people all over the world. It would seem they are in this consumer driven world few and far between.

Have an amazing week people. Xoxo

Friday 23 March 2012



The minds inventiveness all hails from some truths
Things seen, things felt, experienced, observed
With twists and manipulation editing makes a new
A creation so different, a thought altering muse.
To see it is to own with meaningful strokes
Be it writing or drawing beauty disperse
To honour ones mind is to set free ones heart.
A plethora of opportunity behind your eyes does lurk 
Paint the earth with your colours and set your speech free
A part of you legacy your art forever will be.


Thursday 22 March 2012


An empty space u left for some,
Affection you expect although you give none
Not wanted not needed, your faith rules you all
Unthinking, yet deserving a victim you are always.
Mud slinging, malevolent, no holiness inside
Prideful, self involved but cry when shunned.
Asked for when pockets are empty no other requests need met.
My angels grew me with morals and love
Encouragement, discipline with more I can't think of
None said for thee, but entitled you feel. 
Toxic to the air your own seed breathes.
Singular and powerful was my rock now deceased.
Forever implanted you will never be
Irrelevant being, that ceases to see.

Monday 19 March 2012

Fickle (a short poem)

Intentional movements I feel sure that I'll have you
The want is intense, the jealousy immense.
With my back-side comforter, a reliable pulse required.
The challenge from obtaining my goal is desired.
Innocently swooning you with my deliberate touch, 
Whispered delights, void of delicacy, body requests such.
Fish on a hook, insatiable taste buds quenched. 
Now your locked down my eye will wonder,
A new bed warmer replacing the tatters cast aside.
Hurt ignored, pulse races for excitement.
Decency absconded, vessel left wanting, cycles repertoire.


Sunday 18 March 2012

What are your thoughts on edutainment regarding video games? I'm designing such a game at present for a project, please tell me about the games your aware of, if your aware of any like the type i'm mentioning, if not what are the educational games you can think of?  Feedback please.

Many thanks x

Thursday 15 March 2012

Quick note for today:

'Project time- why do video games have so many variables and components?..keep finding more stuff I need to take into consideration' RBM

I've actually started the process of creating my video game for interactive fiction, when playing games you never really take into consideration all the work that goes into creating a piece. My experience from today has opened up my eye's especially from the scripting stand point as I keep having to consider different variable for the game.

This is going to take a lot of work, but i'm up for the challenge.


Tuesday 13 March 2012

Thought: Today although rather ordinary, has reaffirmed that I'm doing the right thing by pursuing a career in the arts, whether it be with my writing, which i'm taken with or allowing my design juices to flow. Life is too short to feel constricted by mundane jobs, obscure things. Spread your wings, make an effort to follow you dreams.

'Walk with the dreamers, the believers,the courageous,the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.'-Wilfred Peterson

Monday 12 March 2012


Pain but nothing to gain 
Building so constant, this need to release
Infected with despair so toxic it molds into me
I lie on my back watching the ceiling encroach 
Eyes a flutter with streaking salt water
One arm braced
The other clutching a shank of solitude 
It eases the anguish with every streak of red
Light headed, a-rye my pool of solace grows
Eyes closed, there lifts 
A brightness encapsulated by darkness that beckons 
the tool of my jail-break surrounded by my essence.  
My emancipation, cut  free of this world.

RBM 08/04/11


Most times we don't think of what we say or do,
the reactions they warrant 
as it isn't aimed at you
the taunting the teasing, the endless stream of pleasing
we never consider that we could be the reason
why that girl is bleeding
long sleeves to hide to vertical scars
oversized t-shirts disguising too many lumps and bumps?
or maybe, just maybe too little?
Hats to hide unacceptable hair, or baldness
Penny-less pockets due too fashionable trainers
The outspoken render the unconfident silent 
But too what avail?
Most of the time we don't think of what we say or do
or how its ever relevant
until its aimed at you.

RBM 13/05/11


Slit wrists my life force runs free, 
a jagged dagger to cut the hate off.
A note to say i did not love all that was me.
Severed are the nerves that make me cry,
sockets are weak these rivers run dry.
Superfluous padding alining the ground
adorning lesions, with more to yet find.
In hind sight all are flowers that bloom
this bud did rot, withered away in shade.
Through all my struggles for things to end,
in a pool of me, no more pretend.

RBM 13/05/11

Chapter 1

“You better not speak of this to anyone but god.....
For she is the truth, the redeemer, mother of fire and earth, water and air. The disruption you have brought forth is beyond any man, the balance now off kilter can only be set right by forgiveness from her. See how angry the ether has become, whirlwinds are tearing apart your city, the crops are slowly withering to weeds. The people will call for your slaughter....”

Three Months Earlier

"Our mother breathes us, she bless' us with the cool gentle breeze to know she is at peace and pleased, she lashes and ferociously crumbles under us when she is in despair, drowns us in tears of joy and sorrow, she constantly lets us know she is here. 
Oh mother how I implore you, your beauty and love is boundless, show me the way to make you proud, show me my full potential.

Blessed be!"

The concave was dark, warm and alluring, the hanging limb still warm and soft. She was dead to the world. The meditation had transported her to a kaleidoscopic plain of purple pink and. orange zen-like haze. Calmer than the earth, her breath slow and intoxicated like a content addict. Face relaxed palms facing the sky, yes at peace is what she was, that or she was dead her sister of sorts couldn't decide. Both were a state of bliss, were they not? Laid still with the grass moulding to her shape, while her companion laid cocooned in a quilt, starring impatiently at a seemingly egotistical bliss. 

The grass, happily, swayed to the drumming of her half covered fingers, wrapped up in the exaltation of the free. Her friend ignoring the impatience of her spectator, to active too truly see. The spectator saw nonsense, a paraplegic wishing away the day to gleam at the sun. Pointless, soon again it would be night and all the still meditation with a handful of wriggling would befall the both of them for a minimum of six hours, and yet she still laid there like a druggy trying to catch there high wasting the day away.

*sigh* Maybe I should just leave she thought, but the perfect grass with legitimate feelings may cry at my disturbance and snarl at my movement and then one will have to put up with the eternal whining 'You never take the time to understand'..Understand what she thought?! Surely OUR mother will understand that a girl gets bored? Plus one has an earthily craving for some coffee. She will?..But you will not?.. Not very zen inspired of you now is it?
Then would follow silence with a pout and perhaps some cake, in order to half our preservative consuming guilty consciences and as usual our conversations would return to normal.

This envoking the earth thing is yet another fad of hers, but being as close as they are, she was used to it. Here today whisper in the wind tomorrow. She had to admit it’s better than her jumping beans fad. 
'Truly unique individual my friend, but appreciate her all the same.' She thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    'Ok...Sooo now I'm bored, ok to be precise I've been bored and these sparks of light are making me believe that I've had too much sun today.' Raan complained.

'OH! High priestess of the lazy and crazy taking up space on my garden floor, I think it’s time for you to make Soriya get up now.  I need my fix and magicking up me a cuppa seems to be beyond your fairy powers' Raan rolls her eyes.

'You never make any effort to understand.' Soriya whines as her left eye flickers open. 'But fine, I'm up now. You should have joined me. That was a truly spiritual experience...Don't roll your eyes at me Raan!' Soriya says catching Raan in mid roll.

'I was not' Raan declares with her irises practically touching the back of her skull.

Soriya sits up giving her friend a perfectly shaped raised eyebrow. ' The usual then is it?'

Raan releases herself from her quilt, gets up off of the grass and smoothes out her skirt, grabs Soriya's hands and pulls her up off of the ground.

Raan heads for the house, Soriya turns to face the earthly mother in her confined glory to utter "Blessed be" before heading inside.

The lane leading from Raan's is covered in a beautiful arch of evergreen, the dirt is dry and fly away concealed by cement laden stone. 
The walk to the cafe is short, on the way the greenery transforms into tarred road aligned with quaint and not so quaint architecture. Here in this city everyone knows everyone, and everyone knows everyone's business, it is severely difficult and rare for a scandal to go a gossip-miss. The cafe is owned by a chubby old man with rosacea blemished cheeks, friendly as ever.  The cafe is quaint with four wooden tables each surrounded with two eloquently crafted birch chairs on either side at the front of the eatery.  The girls walk in. The bell on the door alerts the owner to his new customers.  
"Hello young ladies, enjoying the sun today?" Rosatia says in a chipper tone.

"Yes thank you we spent all day worshipping the sun and grass....and...hey!!" Raan yells as Soriya elbows her in her ribs.

"It is a beautiful day out though sir, you should definitely get out and enjoy it if you have a moment" Soriya says with a giant grin.

"I will definitely try" Rosacea man grins back " The usual ladies?"

" Yes please" they both answer in unison.

"Ah I also have some freshly made muffins, just out of the oven. I'll bring them over with your charge"

" Thank you so much, that's very kind of you" Soriya replies.

They both head for their seats by the window and await their drinks.

Raan's eyes drift off to the scene just beyond the glass. Everything is in motion and yet so calm its almost barely moving. Just disappearing out of sight, Raan catches the eye of a beautiful young man, dark hair, fair eyes and casually dressed who has turned to look at her. The air seizes to move for a split second, then he is gone. 

"What have you spotted?" Soriya enquires shifting in her seat to stare outside of the window she had her back to.

"Nothing!! Really... Well actually, I just saw this guy, we caught each other at the exact same was ...awkward." Raan says as her eyes shift to the red and white patterned table cloths.

"Was he cute?" Soriya enquires further

"He was...alright I guess." Raan replies still studying the table cloths pattern.

"You’re so boring Ra!" Soriya laughs, " Actually I was going to ask you if you would do me the great honour of accompanying me to this gathering, party?"

"Gathering? or party? They are two different things Ri!" Raan says with a giggle as she looks up at Soriya with a teasing scornful look on her face."..And when and where?"

" It's I guess the former of the two, I'm hoping it will turn out to be closer to the latter though-" Soriya replies "- anyway it’s with this new group I've joined, they say I can bring a plus one, and I would really like you to meet these people, see what I've been trying to share with you."

Raan's mouth curls upwards on the right side. "So what will be going on at this gathering? We won't just be laying on the floor talking to the sky will we? Or playing Ring around the rosie’s cause that doesn't sound like much fun to be honest!"

Soriya squints at her companion, then continues speaking as if she hadn't heard Raan's sarcasm. 

"There is this guy there too, the group is mainly female, he so far is the only guy I've come across at our meetings. stunning Ra. Absolutely stunning, and he cares for the earth so much."

Raan giggles "ah huh? So now we are getting to it, this is all about a boy, I have to say Riya this little fad of yours now makes total sense..." 

Soriya squints at Raan again

"....will this guy be at this meeting?"

"Yes...he will! It’s for all the old members to meet and greet the new so we can all come together as one. And no he isn't why I keep going back. He my friend, is just a bonus" Soriya says with a queer smile.

Raan and Soriya exchange a look and then laugh out loud. 

"Sure I'll accompany you me lady."

Rosacea man goes over to the girl’s table balancing two mugs and two warm raspberry and apple muffins on a tray, the aroma from the fresh batch carries throughout the cafe. 
Both girls are intoxicated by the smell and slump in their chairs as their warm beverages are placed in front of them.

"Enjoy ladies, this is a new recipe I am trying out and I would just ask for feedback from my two favourite customers before you leave." He smiles sweetly places the plates down in front of each of the girls and disappears to the back of the cafe through the kitchen.

Raan takes a close whiff of the muffin, then breaks off a piece. She places the piece in her mouth. The warmth of the muffin almost makes the fragment melt into her taste buds. "Euphoric" she exclaims.  Soriya follows suit "Yes it is good isn't it? See this is why we praise our great mother, all of this has sprung from her earth."  Raan looks at her friend but is too seduced by the tantalising flavours erupting in her mouth to follow through with the rolling of the eyes Soriya has become so accustomed too. There again is complete silence while Raan devours all of the cake in front of her. Her coffee remains untouched. By the time she remembers about her coffee it is already lukewarm. 

"You haven't touched your coffee." Soriya points out just as she finishes the last slurp of her own. 

"Mmm I forgot about it to be honest. Are you not going to finish you muffin Ri? I don't see how you have any left." 

"You know my sweet tooth, I only ever require a bite, then it’s satisfied." She giggles to herself. "You can have the rest if you want."

"Thanks but no, I couldn't eat another bite, it was amazing, the best thing I've tasted." She turns her focus to Rosatia man who is back behind the counter as she gets up from her table. "They were beautiful sir! I'll most definitely be back for more tomorrow." He smiles sweetly at her. She turns her head back to focus on Soriya. 

“You ready?" 

Both sway away from their table wave at the owner and disappear out of the door.

The sun is still bright and gleaming as it starts to set, the air however has gotten brisk with breeze. Shadows start to form in corners,leaves and debree float whispering in the breeze.  Raan is almost floating down the street, Soriya by her side is almost humming in tune to the wind that whistles past her ears, the greenery is picturesque as the girls take a stroll down the road away from their homes. Both in their own world admire the scene laid out in front of them. Raan truly intoxicated stares at the sky with new eyes, running on an almost unimaginable sugar high, minus the hyperactivity.  The clouds are seemingly outlined with glittering sparks of light as they swim through a practically clear pink orange and purple sky.  The wisps of silver dance sparingly over the horizon. Now beside an opening Raan collapses on the grass.  Soriya lays down next to her. 

"Is this what you mean when you talk about praising the earth? I don't think I've ever
seen such a glorious afternoon. The beautiful this evening."

"Something like that yes, only you learn to feel the earth and the mother, so the appreciation goes much deeper." Soriya smiles. 

"You know this tree right here?" She tilts her head backwards, Raan follows suit. "This tree is where the priestess got ordained."

Raan pauses, still staring at the sky.  
"I think I will accompany you to this gathering then." She exclaims. 
The tree over head sways in the breeze shaking free a star shaped leaf. The leaf dances its way through the air coursing its way towards the girls. It spins and flutters caressing the air with gentle precise, delicate movements, it lowers fluttering from side to side until finally coming to rest on Raan's chest, balancing over her heart. "Yes I think I will." She mutters to herself.

Chapter 2

Night falls. The air is weighted and cold, although the sky remains crystal clear. Raan, raven hair down her back, sprawled over her shoulders places a coat over her hair to insulate her neck and chest. That heaving black wool that could warm a small family loosely hangs off of her womanly torso.  Black sheep skin boots warm her wool covered legs. She glances at herself in the mirror. A shadow forms by the glass in the front door. Raan walks over to open it. To find Soriya walking up the path, not nearly close enough to create a shadow. She pokes her head out of the door looking both ways, there is nothing there. The cold drifts inside the house, noting the change in temperature Raan grabs the keys on a nail by the door and steps out onto the gravel.  Soriya meets her just as she turns to lock the door.

"Looking warm Ra, are you ready?"

"As  i’ll ever be! Your group sure can pick a night to host a gathering, it's freezing...your god couldn't...! "Raan stops mid speech feeling the icy glare she is getting from behind her. As she turns Soriya is standing arms crossed with one eyebrow raised almost daring Raan to finish her sentence.

" Sorry I'll stop." She concedes. 
Soriya unfolds her arms, smirks then loops her forearm through Raan's to create a link.  
As they start walking down the gravel onto the stone steps a light mist forms due to the now severe cold. The weather now indirect contrast to the warmth they both laid in earlier.  

"I'm so excited you decided to come with me tonight." Soriya exclaims clamping onto her friends arm to conceal body heat.

"I can't wait for you to meet them, they are so spiritual it's inspiring, the high priestess is amazing, so warm, you'll see."

Raan looks and smiles at Soriya, snaps her head forward and matches onward.
The place is lit with lanterns leading up to an old stone built house. There are lashings of Roses, Buttercups and Wolfsbane outlining a perfectly laid stone slab pathway. The door is half cocked, music and light flows freely out of the house. Soriya let's go of Raan's arm and starts undoing her sleek red coat as she nears the open door. Raan stares at the perfect house with perfectly sculpted front garden in amazement. The stone is a cold grey but yet seems inviting.  Figures moves beyond the glass, shadowed by curtain. For Raan there seems to be a faint glow surrounding this house, but presumes it is just the angle the now risen full moon is highlighting the stone. 
Soriya is already by the door, red and black ensemble unleashed, red coat draped delicately over her left arm so not to cause ruffles. Yes, this outfit was never put together with the intention of blending in. She always knew how to get attention, with a precise amount of skin showing, but not enough to trigger defences in other women.  She pushes the door open, holding onto the rustic bulbous handle, then turns back to face her friend, who is still admiring the grandeur of the building she was about to enter. 
"Ready to go in Ra?" She calls out, with a smile from ear to ear.
Raan snaps her head forward, "Yeah, of course!" Raan then takes a proper look at her friend, "Looking to snag someone tonight at this gathering I see then Ri." The corners of her mouth twitching in amusement. It wouldn't be the first time that she had seen Soriya work a room with her confidence and impeccable choice in man compelling clothing. "Let's go..I'll follow your lead." 
The warmth from inside cradles the girls as they step through the threshold. There is an arched doorway almost immediately after the entrance from which an older lady with leathered skin emerges, arms stretched out in expectation for the girls coats. She doesn't speak, only nods politely when she receives the garments and walks off down the corridor to hang the coats up.

"Err, thank you." Raan says with hesitation. 

Soriya already has her foot in the main room, eyes lit up like a child on Christmas morning, left arm on the door frame, right arm on her hip as she casually throws it out, scanning the crowd that stands before her. Raan switches from curiously watching the old woman, creeps up behind Soriya and peers into the room before her. The walls are white, the room is grand, from the ceiling hang three large red satin eastern inspired lanterns, there is a table along the far wall garnished with entrees on red satin covered silver trays. It's jarring. With focus she sees the people, a room filled with people. All ordinary, but a few have an exquisite air to them. 

"Wow, I wasn't expecting this." Raan gasps stepping out from behind Soriya, her delicate black lace dress revealed.
Both girls look at each other, Soriya has the biggest smile of contentment on her face, Raan smiles back. They step into the room. The lights flicker, yet no one seemingly takes notice.
The girls head towards the flourishing table in order to grab a bite to eat before mingling. 
A barely noticeable light scented breeze wafts through the air, almost berry with a tinge of apple. The breeze as delicate as it is creates a rippling vibration searching out the room, contorting its way around the smiling conversing bodies taking up space. Slowly several heads spread out amongst the mass turn to face the rear end of the room, the rest still indulging in the food and numerous conversations.
A woman sitting at the far end of the room, glass of red wine in hand lifts her head. The vibration has moved her, the scent, overcome her. She closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath. The long plait that occupies her shoulder now drops to her back as she rises from her seat, completely forgetting the mere mortals she was engaged in conversation with. Her topaz blue eyes flash open to search for something. 
"Michel, come here for a moment." She beckons in a sweet yet slightly shrill voice.  From the punch bowl occupying the end of the decorated table a young man briskly walks over. He is tall, chiselled, with golden tanned skin, delectable hazel eyes and floppy black hair slightly parted in the middle. 

"You called for me Priestess?" He says as he stops directly in front of her. Her eyes meet his as they come together. The topaz is shimmering with a hint of excitement?..perhaps. His eyes began to match hers. 

"Do you feel that? That energy? That flavour? Do you sense it Michel?" 
"I do my lady. The air is electric, what has changed in here?" Michel replies
"Something special has entered onto these grounds. I want you to find out who our mystery guest is. 
Go to Emile and find out who the last people were to enter this house. Go now! I will call for attention as you do." 
Michel does an ever so slight bow that all the surrounding bodies miss, then heads into the crowd smiling and weaving his way past the oblivious guests.  Towards the arches in search of the old lady, in order to get inventory of the last few to walk through the arch.
"You’re actually eating Ra? Really?" Soriya says with a hint of disgust, with eyes roaming the room." 
"Err yeah I am, what do you think this spread is here for Riya" she sarcastically replies pupils licking her grey matter.  
Soriya reaches for a glass of Rose " I can't be caught with partially masticated food in my mouth Ra. What if I run into him?" 
"Ah yes how could I possibly be so stupid?" Raan replies words dripping in sarcastic acid, who is this He who has not yet been named?"
Soriya turns to face her friend, lips parted about to answer. There is a resounding sound of clinking glasses, and all turn to face the back of the room. A pathway opens as each person chooses a side to line a queen-esque armed guard queue. From the back of the path comes a sweet voice. Working its way to the centre of the room. Every single persons face, Raan being the exception, have faces lit up to high heaven.
Coming into view is a very attractive woman with long brunette hair tapered in a below the waist plait. Her topaz eyes flashing too almost meet and greet every single person in the room, with a smile that alone says welcome. Her long, teal grecian-esque, tie-dye,  kimono sleeved dress flows to the ground. She stops dead in the middle of the path. The pathway closes behind her creating a circle with her at the very heart. 
"Welcome comrades, family and friends, I would like to welcome you all to my home. It is so inspiring to see so many beautiful warm faces tonight. Our Goddess is good. 
We are here to celebrate our new members of the Sacred Root. We for those who do not know are a group who believe in loving and caring for every living thing on this earth, and that in return our gracious mother will take care of us. We pray, we delight in nature and... We recycle!" She laughs
" I am Priestess Anna, I would like to thank you for all coming out tonight to celebrate our amazing new members making the decision to live for the better, and for all of you, we here at the Sacred Root always have our arms open. Shortly we will have our anointing ceremony for our new members which you can all take part in, until then dance, eat, mingle and rejoice. 
Blessed be." Priestess Anna bows her head in a regal manner, then heads towards the arches.
Through the crowd she finds Michel who lingers by the entrance of the room, face delighted with success. Priestess Anna stands by Michel facing the crowded room. She places an arm around Michel getting close enough to have her breath tickle his ear with a whisper, "What have you got for me my son?" 
Michel raises his hand pointing through the crowd towards the table where Soriya and Raan stand.
"Those were the last to enter Priestess, the one in red is a new recruit to be anointed tonight under the solstice."
"Ah yes Sarah is she not? Very enthusiastic that one...And the other?"The Priestess demands in her sweet voice.
"Her companion." Michel swiftly replies
The Priestess stares at the girls, her eyes alight with blue flame. She closes her eyes and sniffs the air. Her eyes flicker open with the icy topaz vibrating at rapid speed. Her eyes freeze and focus. Michel steps in front of the Priestess blocking her gaze. Priestess Anna wraps her arms around Michel in a tender embrace, taking in a deep breath of the flavoursome air above his shoulder. Turns her mouth to his ear, lips touching the lobe to whisper 

"The energy comes from the one in lace. We need her. I want her. Secure her. You know what our mother asks of you." Priestess smiles flashing her pearly white teeth, gives Michel a sweetly persuasive kiss on the cheek, then pulls away. 
The air in the room swirls, getting close, warm and sickly sweet. It's seductive, alluring. The background music volume increases penetrating the entire house, space opens up on the floor as the crowd slowly come to dance.
The topaz eyes fixed through the crowd on the girls in perverted curiosity, seem to float past all of the bodies standing in the way. Grin from ear to ear, the icy blue  eyes emote the welcoming warmth seen during the speech as the Priestess nears the girls.

The crowd this time do not part, instead the bodies act as a shield for the priestess to hide behind, with the stealth of a wildcat she slinks from person to person without interaction, every movement gets her closer the topaz blazing warmth. She breaks through the crowd by the immaculately presented table inches away from Soriya, casually the priestess picks up a glass of red wine takes a sip, reaches for an hors d'oeuvre, all the while edging closer to the girls, her skin flushes a radiant pink. 
Soriya wrapped in her conversation is oblivious to the nearing Priestess. There is a gentle tap on her shoulder. She turns to the side. A sense of humility comes over her. She blushes.  

" Good evening, your one of my new members, Sarah? Isn't it?" Priestess Anna says in a sweet voice before warmly hugging Soriya.
"Soriya actually... Priestess, it's ok I know its a bit unusual. ..beautiful." Soriya exclaims, a hint of excitement in her voice. 
" I'm sorry my child, Soriya is a beautiful name, all the new members are getting ready for their initiation outside, follow me." She stretches out her left hand pointing to the door at the backside of the room in a leading gesture. 
The priestess' eyes flash up to Raan who is standing awkwardly by Soriya's side. 
"And who is this beautiful creature?" 

" Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners, this is my best friend Raan." Soriya says in a flurry. 

The priestess pulls her arm back and extends it towards Raan. Raan follows suit. The priestess holds onto her hand, stretching across Soriya.

"Pleasure to meet you my child. Will you be joining us?" 

"Nice to meet you, no I don't think I will, you have a beautiful home though." Raan replies bright smile across her face shrugging her hand free.  
Priestess Anna's eyes seemingly flash a deeper blue " Its time my child" she says delicately snapping her head to face Soriya again. " Come with me, you need to be with the others. I will see you soon my child." She says smiling at Raan.

Raan politely smiles back, all the while feeling a tad uneasy. She watches as Soriya and Anna slope off to the back of the room disappearing out of the door to the side.  Slowly people the odd person disappears out of the same door. It is just the guests left. Raan walks along the table running her finger across the exquisite cloth inspecting the items displayed upon it. The crab puffs look amazing, she picks one up and reaches for a glass of punch which is also red. She sips the punch. ' oh,wow, potent much.' She thought. ' And this red, red,red everywhere, theme! Symbolising the eternal fire is it? ' She chuckles to herself taking a bite of the crab puff and sipping on the wine. She takes a step back turning around, going smack bang into a hard body. It's warm, fragrant, smeared in orderve and breathing. 
Stuttering " oh, oh my god." She turns her face away as she feels her face flush, her head dips. A graceful smooth hand raises to slightly tilt her chin up, in an attempt to reach eye level. 
" It's no bother, I was going to change for the ceremony soon anyway." His teeth gleam pearly sea gem white. It's so bright, so intensely mesmerising that she has to look away again. Blinding! Or was the real reason she found it difficult to look directly at him because she found the grin, beautiful? She takes a step back puts what's left of the orderve on the table, quickly smooth's her clothes and raises her eye level. The dazzling eyes reflect on her mind, indeed she had seen them before, slightly more chocolatey than she remembered from the glance beforehand. Perhaps chocolate wasn't the right colour palette, yes they were more hazel, with a hint of caramel. In first light anyway, as she looked they seemed to take a greyish yet warm turn. Big and deep and. She realises she had yet to speak she was standing there drink in hand, starring at this man, remaining mute.  The passing thought was enough to prompt her to say anything. Just say something she
" I'm so, sorry again, my eyes switch off when food is near." She shrugs with an embarrassed giggle following in its tracks. 
"I feel like we have met..Michel!" He says in a smooth voice extending a hand,completely ignoring the smudge on his once immaculate shirt.
"And your name?" The accompanying smile ever so sweet, it alone could encourage buds to grow from seeds.

"We haven't." Raan replies rapidly. A moment later she feels her answer may have been a little on the rude side, not in intention obviously. " Not in person, I think we have just crossed paths. Raan." She says mirroring his hand movement, knowing exactly how they spotted one another. They shake on it.  
An awkward silence follows. They both glance around the room. It has emptied, the fleeting moments their encounter had occupied saw the mass flock outside with only two people remaining, coincidentally heading towards the open door at the back of the grand room.
Panicked by the sudden intimacy the empty room brings, Raan takes a step back breaking eye contact. She takes a second glance of the room, feeling ever more on edge. "I think we missed our queue to leave. We will be late for the ceremony or..whatever. I must find Soriya." She turns on her heels and darts for the exit. Michel is left watching as her dark hair disappears through the door, an unintelligable smile across his face.

(16/3)Leaving from the house is like stepping into another world where moonlight dances across the sky. The garden is plush with berries unnaturally everywhere, fitting as the theme of the night seems to be red. Lanterns hang outside leading down to a tiny stream. Fairy lights twinkle in the shadows the moon can not highlight. Several rows of chairs are set up in an arch around a marble alter. Seats are nearly full but a few stand leaving space for the guests. Soriya is no where to be seen amongst the gathering people. The mood is still light and hazy, with people chattering and drinking. There is a small round table of nibbles, a couple stands by the table talking and reaching for their munch. Raan walks down in awe. Michel follows closely behind eyes fixated on her long dark hair. He walks to her side sensing her distraction with the beauty that lays in front of her.
"Beautiful isn't it?" He says in a sweet manner.
Raan's attention is back on the man at her side.
"Mm," she replies "must of set Anna back a pretty penny," she continues in a dismissive manner.

Still smiling Michel replies " It was her inheritance." " Come." He takes her by the hand and leads her to a seat a row back from the from of the alter. "The ceremony is about to begin."

The priestess emerges her eyes dazzling in the mellow light of the night, to take her spot at the alter. Michel walks between the aisle and hands Raan a drink. The liquid shimmers like precious stones caught in a beam of light. Raan looks at it contemplating what it would be to drink liquid diamonds as the drink presents itself to be

To Be Continued....

Copyright 2011