Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Stubbed my toe, it throbbed for a while.
Seemingly the only thing to bring a tear to my eye.
Superficial pain that dulls in a minute
Colour me weird but I wished I lived in it.
Inside lives a hole that consumes all but produces nothing.
No hurt, no joy, squared styrofoam in a bucket.
Still waters feeling no rain, no creatures life to proclaim.
A desert with no grains.
Still the mind wonders, trying to comprehend
The physiological experience when one feels upset.
In its otherness lies beauty that stays inaccessible.
A lion in a cage, its pride oceans away.
This black abyss all consuming.
Thoughts of feelings pass through me.
Reality in its glory, to be numb. 

28/04/13 RBM